Janus 3.1



After a tragic accident a girl is placed into a program/game to keep her alive. Join her on her fever dream of wacky adventures with unique characters and find out her fate!


What do you want the audience to take away from the film?

I would like the audience to take away that no matter how daunting a task or a concept can be, there is always the ability to learn and grow. From this story I think the topic of absurdity is something that will stick with people.

Why are opportunities like Film Prize Junior important to students like you?

Film prize gives students like me a reason to create and to receive feedback. The time crunch, project planning and post production are all key component’s to creating any film. Between my first attempt at a film to now I have worked on sets and was recently hired to work on a feature film in September (coming to theaters in the spring of 2025) and the film prize allows me to gain the experience for that.

Which scene did you have an absolute blast filming and why?

I enjoyed Filming everything with Norberts interactions *The robot*. Norbert was a cardboard box painted lime green and although it was a challenge dealing with it my actress did a fantastic job! The way I went about it was I had my voice over artist record all the lines and we played it back to the actress for timing purposes. In post edit in the green screen mesh process I synced up the actresses motions to the OST and Norberts voice, once that is done I took that cleaned up the visual mesh and moved onto modeling and animating the puppet that became Norbert!

What obstacles challenged you and your crew the most when completing this film? What did you learn from making this short film?

What challenged me was the small space that I had to work in. The green screen box I constructed was about the size of a small kitchen pantry so all walking scenes were a challenge to create that illusion.

I learned how to navigate the Adobe Software tools and programs and then trying different ways to approach an editing technique that made the most sense.

What advice would you give to future participants in Film Prize Junior?

My advice is to keep dreaming, creating, and planning. Always jot down Ideas. You are always capable of greatness.







3D Modeler





April 13, 2024