Struggle Bus



After missing the bus, a middle-school boy faces absurd obstacles on his walk to school.


What do you want the audience to take away from the film?

While the universe seems to closely follow Murphy’s law, there’s a constant humor in the absurd obstacles of daily life. The characters and their unfortunate scenarios are relatable and hapless. However, from a separate perspective are hilarious to the viewer. The short conveys the humor in the ridiculous misfortunes of daily life.

Why are opportunities like Film Prize Junior important to students like you?

Opportunities such as Film Prize Junior are vital to a student’s education. FPJr provides a hands-on learning experience in the art of filmmaking. Such experiences are not found in the traditional classroom. Students need such experiences to develop a well-rounded education.

Which scene did you have an absolute blast filming and why?

When we shot the scooter scene, we had plenty of time. This allowed us to experiment with different shots, line deliveries, etc. Great improvisation from our lead actor paired well with our wonderful crew’s hard work, which allowed us to produce a fantastic finished product.

What obstacles challenged you and your crew the most when completing this film? What did you learn from making this short film?

The biggest obstacles the cast and crew faced during production was scheduling. It was very difficult to find certain times during the day where the actor’s schedules would align with the crew and vice versa. Due to this, we did not always have lots of time to use for certain shoots. We were usually in a time crunch. This taught us the value of efficient productivity in a stressful environment.

What advice would you give to future participants in Film Prize Junior?

Advice to future filmmakers is as follows: maintain a sense of humor when problems arise, seek input from cast and crew, make sure you have as much time as possible to produce the film, and do not be afraid to tackle a project of this size!


Kristoffer B


Kristoffer B


Kristoffer B

Assistant Director

Jack N

Camera Operator

Jack N

Boom Operator

Anamika N, Jack N


Annasyn B, Anamika N


Kristoffer B, Cooper W, Morgan M, Ben N, Landry S, Rose T, Ivy B, Carol B, Lindsey L, Myra B


April 13, 2024