


When given a choose between following expectations or passion, choose passion.


What do you want the audience to take away from the film?

I want the audience to take away that your life is up to you. Don’t let others tell you how to live.

Why are opportunities like Film Prize Junior important to students like you?

Film Prize Junior is important to students like me because it gives us the opportunity to share our work. Not many student have the privilege to share their work.

Which scene did you have an absolute blast filming and why?

The Scene where I am sitting on my desk. This scene is giving me creative shots. I had so many shots I can work with without taking away the message.

What obstacles challenged you and your crew the most when completing this film? What did you learn from making this short film?

The obstacles was the scheduling for filming the scenes. Not every schedule align and we had to look around to see which date was the best. What we learn is to plan ahead.

What advice would you give to future participants in Film Prize Junior?

My advice will be keep going. Don’t give up when it is getting hard. It is hard but at the end you would be proud of what you’ve done and proud that you pushed yourself.




Bruin Theatre


Hagr, Leyla, Lamis


April 13, 2024