


An eccentric foster father welcomes an enigmatic mute teenager into his offbeat world. Against all odds, they find themselves forming an unexpected bond that defies the barriers of communication.


What do you want the audience to take away from the film?

My short film, “Deal?” offers a brief glimpse of the budding relationship between a foster father and his mute foster daughter. The film portrays the challenges and complexities of communication, highlighting the importance of compassion in building meaningful connections. Ultimately, I hope viewers are inspired to approach relationships with greater empathy and to appreciate the power of patience in overcoming communication barriers.

Why are opportunities like Film Prize Junior important to students like you?

Opportunities like Film Prize Jr. are very important for students as the young filmmakers of today will be the film crew of tomorrow. This opportunity has proved essential in honing my craft as a filmmaker and can hope more students with a passion for film are able to discover this organization.

Which scene did you have an absolute blast filming and why?

My favorite scene to have filmed was, ironically enough, the most emotionally tense scene in the film–the fountain. My most memorable moment on set was during the filming of the fountain scene, which, ironically, happens to be the most emotionally intense scene in the film. Despite the heavy subject matter, the camaraderie among the cast and crew brought a sense of lightness to the set. Working with actors who share a strong bond off-screen allowed for moments of laughter and fun, even amidst the emotionally charged atmosphere of the scene.

What obstacles challenged you and your crew the most when completing this film? What did you learn from making this short film?

One significant obstacle that comes to mind is managing audio quality. Although we were fortunate not to face major issues, we encountered some difficulties, particularly during exterior scenes. In one instance, we had to resort to dubbing over the audio entirely. However, this experience taught us the value of adaptability in overcoming unexpected hurdles in filmmaking.

What advice would you give to future participants in Film Prize Junior?

The best piece of advice I can give is to have fun. Although it’s easy to become stressed with deadlines and unpredictability, remember that having a passion for entertaining others is a gift. At the end of the day, the final product is not what matters, rather the journey it took.


Via F


Via F


Via F


Via F

Assistant Director

Cami B, Parker S


Cami B, Parker S, Via F


Via F, Britney G, College Street Vocational Center


Bobby G, Everly S, Liz G, Randilyn L, Steven J, Averill R


April 13, 2024